Thursday, October 2, 2014

Suppertime bedtime life hacks so I don't go crazy

Bea, Harper and I like to head upstairs around 6:00 and start the party in HJ's room. She's got a little table and chair surrounded by an ocean of coloring supplies and books and I'll get her stationed there with supper. The other night that was a big bowl of brown rice (with Braggs, always with Braggs baby) and a pile of fresh mango. I'm a miser about suppertime drinks because of nighttime bathroom visits, but I'll give her a little Dixie cup of water.

While she eats and reads, Bea and I are in the attached bathroom doing a quick tubby. Splash splash remove the caked on squash and unidentified goo, check. After a fresh dipe and clean jammies, I tell HJ I'll be back in a sec ("and please don't do anything weird") and head next-door to Bea's room. Sound machine on, check, quick nurse and cuddle and check! Down in her cribby. Grab the monitor and back to Harper who's finishing up her last bites and last pages.

While she luxuriates in her lavender bubble bath ("My friends are gonna loooove how I smell tomorrow!") I hand her a toothpasted toothbrush and zwoop -- toofs done.

After tubs, she puts on fresh undies and socks and then we'll pick out soft leggings and a cotton top. Already dressed for the morning kapow!

Into bed, curtains closed, a chapter of Stuart Little, snuggles and a few guilt trips, music box on, a few more snuggles and "I just care about you so much, Mom..."... Grab the monitor and Seacrest o-u-t.

Cue Mindy Project and a plate of chocolate.

(This is all trickier with George in tow, but he's on vacay till next week. So we'll just lalallala fingers in ears until then!)


  1. Amy, are you night weaning as well as sleep training? I'm about to bit the bullet on Sleep Easy sleep training... E has been taking up to an hour to fall asleep and stay asleep when I nurse her at the beginning of the night and I just need to be able to put her down in her crib at least at the beginning of the night to regain some sanity!

    1. Short answer: yes. The Sleepeasy method breaks it down for you -- so it's basically half getting them to fall asleep alone and self soothe and half night weaning. It took me 6ish days and now she doesn't eat at night!! After eating 3 times a night before. Being able to put them down and walk away is THE BEST way to regain sanity, even more than night weaning honestly. For that there will definitely be some tears, but stay strong sister!! The book is so great in that it lays it ALL out in great detail and is very comforting re mom anxiety. I promise you the week of work is going to make you both happy :)
