Monday, October 20, 2014

Things that I only have 1-2 sentences for at the moment

1) I haven't read a book in years that I've so constantly wanted to highlight passages or quotes from (since college? when I had to?), but now I'm reading Julia Child's My Life in France and it's all such gold that I find myself constantly reaching for a pen. Her whole life and world view are like a street drug of inspiration for me.

2) Things I want once a year: Fig Newtons. Pineapple juice.

3) Bea is doing such a bad ass job of sleeping. She goes down without a peep at 6:00 and then zzzzz without a peep until she wakes around 4:30 when I'll nurse her (I initially ditched that feed and we were up for the day at 5:00 and no just no) and then she'll sleep again till 6:30ish usually. This means everything in the universe to my soul.

4) I can't stop thinking about Mindy saying "I'm a masculine woman and he's an effeminate man!"

5) Oh oh! We found an apartment! More details later, but I am so excited that sometimes I actually can't sleep at night. Cannot remember the last time I've had that feeling.

6) HOLY WHAT WITH ALL THE TOY CATALOGS. Can I just haz the Sears Wishbook and call it a day?

7) I have to go ask Clay to take a tick off Georgie's neck because that is something I am unable to emotionally handle. Killing a rat with a frying pan? Sure. But no, not ever this.


  1. Oh man, have you actually killed a rat with a frying pan?!? I can't decide if that's bad ass or terrifying to me. Probably both.

    1. I have. And I don't know if I'm proud or scared of myself. The pest guy said I had "stout character"...?!

  2. I can't believe you're going to be a city mom! So badass. Such fun adventures ahead! Also, I love Mindy. If my daughters grew up to be like her, I'd be pretty proud. And scared. But proud :) (fyi: I'm referring to her character not the actual actress/comedian, however I feel as though she's pretty cool too :) )

    1. Haha yes, I think I'd probably be happier if Harper/Bea turned out like the REAL Mindy (who's a legit idol of mine) vs. the fake, but I'm okay with either! :)
