Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday morn

We've been in Maine this week, hanging with my mom and taking walks and eating whoopie pies and then taking more walks because of the whoopie pies. Harper had no school Monday and Tuesday (flashback to one of my first posts on my first blog, 8 years ago, when I was bemoaning California's lack of Columbus Day and someone made a comment about me enjoying mass genocide cool cool) so it was a good time for a trip.

The long drive with the two girls is fine until it isn't and Bea is screaming for 2 hours straight. Nothing cuts through a heart/resolve to keep living like car crying. We're heading home tonight and actually leaving at night to take advantage of her off switch that happens at 6:00... Here's hoping.

Speaking of which, last night Bea slept from 6:00-6:30 without a peep. All hail sleep training! All hail.

Tomorrow we jump back into real life again, this time with dog in tow and chilly temps on the way. Time to start shoving poor Harper into woolen long unders and begin my wake-up-and-immediately-build-a-fire-like-I'm-in-Downtown-Abbey routine. Super vintage of us, I know.

(Side note: Is anyone other than my mom and me listening to the Serial podcast yet? It's so good! I have so many thoughts! I'm alone with these thoughts! Help!)


  1. I'm totally into the Serial podcast, I'm curious how they're going to stretch it out into a multi-episode thing. I've only heard the first 2 (#3 is on tonight's gym playlist) but it seems like there's not too many more ways to tell the story. I can't wait to see where it goes! Also, I can't remember a time without podcasts, but I've only really been listening to them regularly for the last 3 years. Technology is weird.

    1. I can't wait to see where it goes either! Didn't they say it'd be 12 episodes?! I can't wait for tomorrow's -- Inconsistencies. Right now I'm leaning that he had something to do with it... I don't know. I love the creep factor!

  2. How far 'up Maine' are you? The next time you venture up we should plan a little internet stranger meet up...let H² have some crazy girl time.
    I started reading sleep easy because of your recommendation.. As in up on two wheels hauling it to barnes and noble to get it! Going well...often I think I have a harder time cutting that nightime tie than the babes.
    Drive careful back...hoping Beas off switch is in full effect!

    1. OMG lolz re: two wheels. Yes, it's tender for me to be done with night nursing, too! She was obviously ready to be done and so was I, but now that it's over I'm a little like huh what how? Since she's almost definitely my last...

  3. Okay, so I think you just answered my question from my comment on your last post - Serial podcast it is!
    Your mention of 2 hour trips to maine with car crying brought back terrible TERRIBLE memories for me - shudder. Please, please, please, let this next baby be cool in the car. That was the WORST.
    But yay yay yay for Maine, whoopie pies, and sleep training!!!

    1. If you're new to podcasting, This American Life is the real classic! There's a great old one called Switched At Birth (should be easy to search for) that's great. And Serial is also a hit with me, obviously. The first one is a little slow (and a full hour, whereas subsequent ones are 30 min) -- the producer is being a total amateur sleuth which is right up my alley ;)
