Friday, September 5, 2014


When we moved towns within our county a couple years ago, I needed a new preschool for Harper. I checked out 4 or 5 and the only one that made me wish I could go there was a Waldorf school. Her classroom looked like a unicorn cave and everything smelled like tea and apple crisp and she immediately bonded with her teacher. (A mystical woman I want to adopt.)

Sigh. How did it come to this, self.

Honestly, the only time I remember hearing much about Waldorf was in an Early Ed class in San Francisco where they spent a thousand hours on Montessori and then breezed over the Waldorf deal, like uh er not sure -- next! A girl in the back raised her hand and said: "I went to 10 years of Waldorf and learned nothing except how to draw and sculpt. I'm really good at those, though." Neat.

All things considered, we had a good year livin the Rudolph Steiner life (at a 30-35% commitment level) and we're going again since HJ is in her groove and we've got just one more year to sweet, sweet public school.

Today we had the welcome back (but not really! not really for 3 more days...) picnic and before I could blink I was sending Harper off to watch a puppet show while I crunched my millet salad and discussed why yes, I vaccinate my kids and no thank you on the spirulina brownies. Ah, yes. We meet again, granola bars.

Is this the year I throw my television/iPad/iPhone/microwave out the window and commit 100% to the Waldorf principles? Stay tuned, friends!!!*

*No. I would be nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll up your commitment to a very reasonable 55%…
