Monday, September 29, 2014

Kid things, lately

Part of the reason I wanted to blog again was to record kid details that might otherwise go unremembered. Probably a total snoozefest unless you're one of the grandmothers, but alas! Here I go.

1) Harper found this Sesame Street book from the 70s I bought years ago at Goodwill and has been toting it around. Yesterday she said "You know what Big Bird's saying is? 'Everyone else makes mistakes, so why can't I?" And then she smiled, a little embarrassed but also proud to have remembered the quote. It was so earnest and sweet and also funny. She's also been known to yell "YOLO!" after seeing it on a You Tube clip. Oops.

2) Bea is the snuggliest bug of all the bugs. She knows what "kiss" means and will give openmouthed drool-packed ones to Clay over and over again on request. She also gives real, two-armed hugs and will stay that way until she's good and ready to release. It can be awhile.

3) We've been splurging a bit on these "Heart Lake City" Lego kits because they buy us OODLES of time. Yesterday, when I desperately needed to nap alongside Bea, Clay presented Harper with "Stephanie's beach house" (369 pieces) and -- I am absolutely not exaggerating -- she sat down and did the entire thing by herself for 4.5 hours. I'm fairly certain I've never focused on anything, ever, for that long. I brought her snacks and encouraged bathroom breaks and outdoors breaks and, well, any kind of break but nope. She kept chugging until the very last piece was in and then she lifted her arms and yelled "DONE!" So intense. So not me. Not too worried about ADHD with that one.

4) It's so fun to watch Bea learn "sissy" and "dada" and her own name and such. Receptive language feels like magic when it starts happening. Her head whips around so quick and then she just beams with that gummy, gummy grin. Oh, look! Another corny nickname. I could call her Beam, since that's exactly what she does all day. (I won't, I won't. Shhh.)

5) Best teether for babies = toddler toothbrushes. Oh, I'm sure they're pokier than they should be or filled with baby toxins or something, but damn if they don't keep Bea happy for ages. Mmm. Gum massage by Dora the Explorer.

6) Harper and I have been taking a lot of nature walks in our back pasture. (Field! It's a field. Clay and his southern jargon have leaked into my brain.) We run as fast as we can out to the path and then slow down and hold hands and pick flowers and take these crazy deep breaths. "Mother Nature is great!" And man, do I want to freeze time to a late September evening, next to my 4.5 year old, who can still yell exclamations about flowers with abandon and joy.


  1. You are correct....this is not a snoozefest for grandmothers. I check every day to see how life is going on the "ranch" and look to instagram for those wonderful snaps of life with the Cowans. You are truly a wonderful mother, wife, daughter, and daughter-in-law!

  2. that is AMAZING about the legos. Mine is only a couple months away from her 5th birthday, and she always wants us to get her the lego friends sets, and is very excited to sit down and build them with one of us, and then I kid you not... she tries one piece, claims defeat, and then insists one of us build the entire thing while she watches and gives bad advice. Yeah, lego sets will mysteriously disappear from her bday gift list...

    1. Ha! We have PLENTY of things like that. Where I've been suckered into getting them and suddenly I'm the one doing it all... It's just interesting what gets different kids jazzed. It certainly wasn't Legos for me!!

  3. I'm still waiting for Orly to find that thing she gets so jazzed about. So far it's just playing elaborate imaginary games with her daddy where she makes up all the rules ;) (but it's cool cuz then i slowly back out of the room and so something else, hehe)
