Monday, November 3, 2014

While my bulldog gently wheezes

Things that bother me more than they should:

- When someone writes "Awww" in response to another person, in earnest, posting a sad or bad event. -- e.g. someone posts on Facebook that their beloved grandpa just died. For the love of God, please don't reply: "Awwwww!"
"Awww" is only okay when someone posted a picture of a kitten stuck inside a boot. Capishe?

- When someone exclaims how much they love their children. I... ???????????????????? Of course you love your kids, ya nut. Are you actually trying to say you maybe love them more than average? I don't think that's a thing. I think we all love the shit out of our kids. When someone says this to me I'm always a) really weirded out and b) confused how to respond. It seems really lame to say "I love mine, too!" because ick, however if I don't reply in same I'm a sociopath.

(Lemme clarify because upon a reread it sounds like I don't want peeps saying they love their kids. Nope nope. There's just a certain kinda person who professes their love as a brag, as if it's unique...or a love contest. Okay, Scrooge peacin out.)

- Getting water down (up?) my sleeve while I do the dishes.

Now some nice and/or neutral things:

-My girls and dog have all been so lovely to each other lately. Gentle cuddles and sharing/swapping toys and giggling over everything and ear biting (okay that was just Bea to George) and each one just putting up with the other in an easygoing way. We weren't rolling like that a few months ago and hey, I know we won't roll like that always so I'm really enjoying it in the now. (I REALLY LOVE MY KIDS!)

- Just discovered the Mark Morris Dance Group has both adult and children's classes in Brooklyn and I'm aeoirpeaorecorievunrenroaeirune !!! over this. Modern dance is my truest of loves and I cannot wait to get down to it again.

- This weekend I watched both Hobbit movies with Clay, in 3D, on our couch, and though initially it was under duress.. I am now obsessed and fixating and cannot wait for Christmas. My preciousssss. Smaaaaaauuuug! Orlando Bloooooom.

- I'm a little panicked about Georgie becoming a city dog. He is zero aggressive and loves all of God's everything, including serial killers I'm sure, but he doesn't have good leash manners. He barks and pulls and goes insane over everything that passes by. Blerp. I'll fix it with gross dried meat products in my pocket, but it's going to be rich. My plan is to lie that he's only a puppy. Need to get him a bit of Botox first.

- Harper laughs exactly like my paternal grandmother (who has long since left this world). I don't understand how that can happen? It's sweet and scary all at the same time.

- There's a 30% off sale at method and I'm much more excited about this than I should be.

Okay. As you were.

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