Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A list of Wednesday things

- NYTimes just pushed through the message "Spacecraft Lands on Comet's Surface" and I burst out laughing.

- Sitter smalltalk is the worst for me. I feel like a teenage boy nodding and smiling and saying sure, I love you, all to get some play. Wait, strike that. What I mean is, when she gets here I want to leave as quickly as possible -- I'm on the clock, woman! I've timed nursing and naps and school pick-up and all myriad things so that every minute counts. I super don't care about your kids and though I'm completely certain that makes me a monster... Seacrest out! 

- At drop-off today, I overheard two moms talking about a playdate in the works. One told the other (who would be hosting) to make sure she got "some greens" into her daughter. That kind of ruined the next 5 minutes of my life.

- It's slowly dawning on me that in 4 short weeks, I'll be home with 2 kids all the time, full time. We had yesterday off because of Veteran's Day and while in many ways our day was better than a school day (baby could take real naps, there was no morning scramble, we were all relaxed and uncrabby for the most part -- except come 4:00 when I needed to call it a night), there were a lot of hours to fill.

So I think I need to research/potentially purchase some "homeschool" books for Harper. She is very into projects and worksheets and word problems and math equations and the like, and I think our days will flow if we have a rough schedule with some definite "school" (I don't know why I keep putting that in quotes, let's roll with it) time. Are there any recommendations for such a thing/things? I'm usually disappointed with the workbooks I find out and about mainly because she whips through them too quickly, so I'm looking for something that is a challenge without being crazy hard. 

She'd probably love something where you read a book, then do some comprehension questions, then do a make-a-puppet project that ties in. While I like the idea of "tell me what you're interested in and we'll go do it!", Harper 1) seriously enjoys traditional structure 2) she's constantly doing her own weird open-ended chemistry and/or craft projects and I'll let that check the box on creative, tactile learning. Plus, I've always been very focused on incidental teaching/learning, so wherever we are or whatever we're doing there are LOTS of questions/answers and discussion. LOTS. 

Anyway. Any and all tips are welcomed. 

- I'm guessing this will change once I'm in the BK, but I've always found home coffee to be preferable to store/cafe/restaurant coffee BUT store/cafe/restaurant lattes to be everything worth living for. Am I visiting the wrong coffee establishments? It would be nice to enjoy the cheaper of the two options while erranding. 


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